
Koganecho Bazaar 2019 New Menagerie


*「menagerie(メナジェリー)」とは、近世ヨーロッパ(16-18世紀)の王侯貴族たちが、アメリカ大陸やインド洋航海ルートの「発見」により、それまで見たこともなかった動物や植物を一堂に集めたといわれる動物飼育舎です。現在の動物園(zoological garden)のルーツと言われています。

The "Koganecho Bazaar 2019 New Menagerie" is a 40 day arts festival held in the Koganecho area. This year we have a varied programme, including artwork from 15 artists from around the world, guided tours, workshops, talk events and a market.
Our theme "New Menagerie” has been chosen to "explore a new management style". We are looking to create a new environment which encourages the growth of new relationships between the locals, visitors, artists and the exhibition organisers.
*”Menageries”, a foundation of the modern-day zoo, first appeared in the 16th-18th centuries as places for European royals to show off their wealth and power by presenting plants and animals collected through the “discovery” of North America and the Indian Ocean trade route.

Director's Message: "Taking the best"





黄金町バザールディレクター 山野真悟

Koganecho Bazaar has always aimed to explore the relationship between art and society, through the production of art created in Artist in Residence programmes, and exhibitions in urban and everyday spaces. An important part of this theme is not only for the art to question and re-envision the local community, transport, economy and politics, but also for society to re-envision art, creating an interactive relationship between the two.

This year's Koganecho Bazaar will focus on the relationships between the visitors to the area, artists from different cultural backgrounds, and all the people involved in the Bazaar, and how these relationships have and can evolve. With the intention of shedding light on the new relationships formed throughout the entire period through production and exhibition, we have titled the theme of this year's event "New Menagerie".

By "New Menagerie" we mean to explore "new management methods". It goes without saying that exhibiting work in urban and everyday spaces is only made possible through the process of numerous decisions and fine adjustments. We would like this process to work towards "taking the best" of what we have. By this we mean not working unilaterally, but creating an environment in which anyone can actively participate in the process as a creator of new relationships, and so encourage mutual change which we believe is important in such endeavours (as Koganecho Bazaar). "New Menagerie" is in this way an opportunity to develop a "new management method" that is updated collectively. Although this (may be) something that has already been happening in past Koganecho Bazaars, it is not something we have previously emphasised as a main element of the Bazaar.

"Taking the best" means to try out new possibilities by once again disassembling the relationship between art and society and rebuilding it, which has been an ongoing theme of Koganecho Bazaar. This time it will be a big task for everyone to capture and express this more consciously, but how will it be achieved?
We hope you look forward to this autumn's "Koganecho Bazaar 2019: New Menagerie".

Koganecho Bazaar Director Shingo Yamano


1.Main Programme

2. Special Programme “Introducing Arts in Koganecho”

黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターは通年でアーティスト・イン・レジデンス(AIR)プログラムを運営しており、常時約50組のアーティストが参加して います。今回は4つの企画を通して、黄金町AIRから生まれるアートを紹介します。
※黄金町AIRとは:黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター が2009年から実施しているアーティスト支援プログラム。国籍・ジャンルを問わずクリエイティブな活動をしている人を対象に、高架下のスタジオや元違法風俗店舗 の空き家を、制作、リサーチ、発表等の場として提供している。
KAMC runs an Artist-in-Residence programme throughout the year, with about 50 participating artists. This special programme introduces artworks created by our AIR through four projects.
*Koganecho AIR is an artist support programme carried out by the Koganecho Area Management Center since 2009 for creatives of any nationality or genre, by leasing studios beneath the railways and vacant buildings converted from former brothels for artistic production, research and exhibition.

「Koganecho in Wonderland」展
"Koganecho in Wonderland"

「Koganecho in Wonderland」展

東アジア、東南アジアを中心としたネットワークを築く黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターの国際交流事業として、2019年5〜8月、韓国・ソウルのギャラリー Space 55と投資会社Clear Mindと協働し、互いの国のアーティストを紹介する展覧会を開催しました。本展では、ソウルで開催した黄金町のアーティストたちの 展示を再構成します。
Koganecho Area Management held an international exchange programme this year in collaboration with gallery Space 55, and investment company Clear Mind from May to August 2019, with the aim of creating a network focussed in East and Southeast Asia. This exhibition is a reconstruction of the Koganecho artists exhibition put on in Seoul.

「made in Koganecho さかもとゆり」展
“made in Koganecho: Yuri Sakamoto”

「made in Koganecho さかもとゆり」展

黄金町にゆかりのあるアーティストの作品を「黄金町産」ブランドとしてエリア内外へと発信し、販売へとつなげていくプロジェクト made in Koganecho。今回は、2009年より横浜を拠点に活動するさかもとゆりの個展として展開。陶を素材に、脆くて強い、柔らかくて固い、 どこか間が抜けていて鋭いことなど、両極的な性質を愛らしい動物たちの姿をかりて表現します。
"made in Koganecho" is a project aimed at selling products made by the artists here under a Koganecho brand name. At the moment we are presenting a solo exhibition by Yuri Sakamoto, a resident artist since 2009. Her porcelain animals express the fragile and strong, soft and hard and hard to pinpoint juxtapositions of nature.

パンクロック・スゥラップ「Do It Together -共につくる-」ワークショップ作品
Pangrok Sulap "Do It Together" final workshop print

パンクロック・スゥラップ「Do It Together -共につくる-」ワークショップ作品

マレーシア・サバ州を拠点とする音楽と版画のアーティストグループ、パンクロック・スゥラップが、地域のこどもたちや黄金町のアーティスト とともに制作した版画作品を展示します。
An exhibit of the final print made by Pangrok Sulap, a group of woodcut print and music artists based in Sabah, Malaysia, in a workshop with local children and Koganecho's artists.

パブリックアート in Koganecho 2008〜2019
Public Art in Koganecho 2008~2019

パンクロック・スゥラップ「Do It Together -共につくる-」ワークショップ作品

黄金町バザールやAIRプログラムに参加したアーティストのパブリックアート作品を紹介します。過去を参照することで、本展のテーマ 「ニュー・メナジェリー」の示す新しいAIRのあり方について長期的な視点から考えるきっかけをつくります。
Presenting public artworks made by artists who have participated in our Koganecho Bazaar and AIR programmes. We aim to inspire long-term perspectives on the future of AIR (the theme of "New Menagerie") by referring to work made in the past.