
Koganecho Bazaar is an art festival that unfolds within an area of Koganecho, Yokohama.
TitleKoganecho Bazaar 2018
Flying Supermarket
会期2018 年9⽉21⽇(⾦)〜10⽉28⽇(⽇)
Dates21 September [Fri]〜28 October[Sun], 2018
VenuesStudios, galleries and vacant spaces under the railways, and other available spaces inside or outside around Koganecho area
時間11:00〜18:30   ※10月6日7日26日27日は11:00〜20:00
Hours11:00〜18:30      *Open until 20:00 on 6,7,26,27 October
HolidaysMonday (If national holiday, the following day will be closed)
AdmissionKoganecho Bazaar 2018 Passport (valid during the entire event period) 700yen; Free for high school students and below *Only on-the-day tickets sale
OrganizersKoganecho Area Management Center / Hatsunecho-Koganecho and Hinodecho Environmental Cleanup Initiative Committee
Co-organizerYokohama City
後援神奈川県/公益財団法人横浜市芸術文化振興財団/カナダ大使館/駐日韓国大使館 韓国文化院/シンガポール大使館/駐日フィリピン共和国大使館/台北駐日経済文化代表処 台湾文化センター
Nominal SupportKanagawa Prefecture / Yokohama Arts Foundation / Embassy of Canada / Korean Cultural Center, Korean Embassy in Japan / Embassy of the Republic of Singapore / Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, Tokyo, Japan / Taiwan Cultural Center, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan
SponsorKeihin Electric Express Railway Co., Ltd. / Asahi Breweries, Ltd. / Asahi Soft Drinks CO. LTD.
協力神奈川県警察本部/神奈川県伊勢佐木警察署/公益社団法人横浜中法人会/日ノ出町町内会/初黄町内会/赤英町内会/初黄日商店会/日ノ出町駅前商店会/日ノ出町青年会/一般社団法人大岡川川の駅運営委員会/公立大学法人横浜市立大学/学校法人トキワ松学園 横浜美術大学/98B COLLABoratory/Space Ppong/Zero Station
CooperationKanagawa Prefectural Police Department / Kanagawa Prefecture Isezaki Police Station / Yokohama Naka Hojinkai / Hinodecho Neighborhood Association / Hatsunecho Koganecho Neighborhood Association / Akamoncho Hanabusacho Neighborhood Association / Hatsukoi Shop Association / Hinodecho Ekimae Shop Association / Hinodecho Seinenkai / Yokohama Ooka River Station / Yokohama City University / Yokohama University of Art and Design / 98B COLLABoratory / Space Ppong / ZeroStation

Project Team

山野真悟(Shingo Yamano)

山野真悟 Shingo Yamano

1950 年福岡県⽣まれ。1978 年よりIAF 芸術研究室を主宰、展覧会企画等をおこなう。1990 年ミュージアム・シティ・プロジェクト事務局⻑に就任。1990 年より隔年で街を使った美術展「ミュージアム・シティ・天神」をプロデュース。「まちとアート」をテーマに、プロジェクトやワークショップ等を多数てがける。2005 年「横浜トリエンナーレ」キュレーター。2008 年より「⻩⾦町バザール」ディレクター、翌2009 年⻩⾦町エリアマネジメントセンター事務局⻑に就任。2014年芸術選奨⽂部科学⼤⾂賞受賞。2016 年横浜市⽂化賞受賞。

Born in Fukuoka, 1950. Graduated from the Etching Department of Bigakko Art School in 1971. From 1970s he begun to work as an artist based in Fukuoka, and arranged exhibitions while presided IAF Art Laboratory. He launched Museum City Tenjin in 1990, an annual art exhibition unfolding within the city, and organized Exceptional Passage in 1991, a Chinese Avant-Garde Artists Exhibition. In addition, he has organized a lot of exhibitions and workshops focusing on the relationship between art and city. Curator of Yokohama Triennial 2005. Director of Koganecho Area Management Center since 2009. He received the Art Encouragement Prizes of the Minister of Education, Science and Culture in 2015 and Yokohama culture prize in 2016.

⽔⾕朋代 Tomoyo Mizuya
Curatorial Team

⽔⾕朋代 Tomoyo Mizuya

2013 年⾸都⼤学東京⼤学院システムデザイン研究科インダストリアルアート学域修了。アートプロジェクトにおける市⺠の参加について研究。「川俣正・東京インプログレス―隅⽥川からの眺め」「CIAN:地域芸術研究所」にコーディネーターとして参加。2013 年度よりNPO 法⼈⻩⾦町エリアマネジメントセンターに所属。アートイベントの企画、コーディネーションを⾏う。

Completed MA at the Department of Industrial Art, Faculty of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2013. Researching civic participation in art projects. As a coordinator, she joined art projects: Tadashi Kawamata Tokyo in Progress and CIAN: Center for Interlocal Art Network. Started working at Koganecho Area Management Center since 2013. She is in charge of operating art events and coordination.

内海潤也 Junya Utsumi
Curatorial Team

内海潤也 Junya Utsumi

1990 年東京都⽣まれ。2018 年東京藝術⼤学⼤学院国際芸術創造研究科アートプロデュース専攻修了、ラリュス賞受賞。2017 年度東京都写真美術館インターンシップ。修⼠課程在籍時より展覧会、トークイベント、上映会などを企画する。「スイッチルーム」展(東京アートフェア2018、2018 年)コ・キュレーター、「⻑島有⾥枝 そしてひとつまみの⽪⾁と、愛を少々。」展(東京都写真美術館、2017 年)企画補助、「《S/N》上映会&トークセッション」(東京、2017 年)企画。国際展、ジェンダー、政治に関⼼をもつ。

Born in Tokyo, 1990. Completed MA and won the Larus Prize at the Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, 2018. Completed the internship of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 2017. Studying at the MA course, he organized several projects such as an exhibition, talk session, and screening events. His main interest lies in Biennales, gender and politics. The exhibitions and events he dealt with include Switch Room (Tokyo Art Fair 2018, as a co-curator), Nagashima Yurie: And a Pinch of Irony with a Hint of Love (Tokyo Photographic ArtMuseum, 2017, as an intern), S/N Screening and Talk Session (Tokyo, 2017).

Space Design: Yuuki Kimura, Mai Honda

Public Relations: Saori Tateishi, Kaoru Ueda

Administration: Masaharu Nakahara Kouki Sugiyama, Yuya Obata, Kei Yamano, Miki Kanda, Kikuko Hosoi, Shohei Kitano, Aya Matsumaru

VI Design:Kohji Fukunaga

Webデザイン:Boundspike Design
Web Design:Boundspike Design