The Koganecho Bazaar began in 2008 as an art-driven community building and revitalization project taking place in the Hatsunecho, Koganecho, and Hinodecho area of Yokohama every autumn. In its fifth year, the Koganecho Bazaar 2012 will showcase the many faces of art as it evolves through drawing connections between the community landscape and the coming and goings of the town. On top of exhibitions of artwork, participatory workshops and talk events will be held to encourage reflection on the community's "here and now," as well as progressive thinking about the future from multiple perspectives.
会期 | 2012年10月19日(金) - 12月16日(日) |
会場 | 京急線「日ノ出町駅」から「黄金町駅」間の高架下スタジオ、周辺のスタジオ、既存の店舗、屋外、他 |
会場時間 | 11:00~19:00 |
休場日 | 月曜日 |
入場料 | 会期中有効のフリーパス 高校生以上500円、中学生以下無料 |
主催 | 特定非営利活動法人黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター/初黄・日ノ出町環境浄化推進協議会 |
共催 | 横浜市 |
後援 | 神奈川県/公益財団法人横浜市芸術文化振興財団 |
協賛 | 京浜急行電鉄株式会社/アサヒビール株式会社/アサヒ飲料株式会社 |
協力 | 神奈川県警察本部/神奈川県伊勢佐木警察署/社団法人横浜中法人会/日ノ出町町内会/初黄町内会/日ノ出町駅前A地区市街地再開発組合/Kogane-X Lab.運営委員会/公立大学法人横浜市立大学 |
助成 | 平成24年度文化庁文化芸術の海外発信拠点形成事業 |
Dates | Fri, Oct. 19th - Sun, Dec. 16th, 2012 |
Venue | Studios, neighborhood shops, outdoor areas, etc. beneath and along Keikyu Railway, from Hinodecho Station to Koganecho Station. |
Hours | 11:00 am -7:00 pm |
Closed on | Closed on Mondays |
Admission | Koganecho Bazaar2012 Passport (valid during entire event period): High school students and above 500 yen; Free for junior high school students and below |
Organized by | NPO Koganecho Area Management Center / Hatsunecho-Koganecho Environmental Cleanup Initiative Committee |
Co-organized by | Yokohama City |
Patronized by | Kanagawa Prefecture / Yokohama Arts Foundation |
Sponsored by | Keihin Electric Express Railway Co., Ltd. / Asahi Breweries, Ltd. / Asahi Soft Drinks CO. Ltd. |
In Cooperation with | Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department / Kanagawa Prefecture Isezaki Police Station / Yokohama Naka Hojinkai / Hinodecho Neighborhood Association / Hatsunecho-Koganecho Neighborhood Association / Hinodecho Station Area A Redevelopment Association / Kogane-X Lab Executive Committee / Yokohama City University |
Subsidy | Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, in Fiscal Year 2012 |
TEL : 045-261-5467
FAX : 045-325-7222
WEB : http://www.koganecho.net
2-158 Hinodecho,Nakaku,Yokohama,Kanagawa,231-0066,JAPAN
TEL : +81-(0)45-261-5467
FAX : +81-(0)45-325-7222
MAIL : info@koganecho.net