Satomi Kato (Arts Audience Tables loplop)《Newsstand Project ~Morning Service~》

Satomi Kato (Arts Audience Tables loplop)《Newsstand Project ~Morning Service~》

This project is for visitors especially who come to Koganecho Bazaar and Yokohama Triennale early in the morning. We present them the place for various communications and exchange information regarding exhibitions. We also serve special Nagoya style breakfast for free. 
*Numbers of breakfast we serve will be limited so please make a reservation beforehand. 
Time & Date: 9:00-11:00 November 1, Saturday & 2, Sunday & 3, Monday 
Place: YSEMI Art Marketing Research Project (Gallery Saito Fine Arts) Hatsune wing B-2, 1-21-17, Hatsune-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 
*Admission fee will not be charged 
*Reservation is needed 
Making reservations / Contact: Gallery Saito Fine Arts 

Facebook Project.YSEMI